Our Local Area Competitors


We encourage our customers to check with the competition and compare our services to theirs. We are confident you will find we deliver better quality at a lower cost every day.


Local Area Competition

Bumper to Bumper of Bemidji
Address: 755 Paul Bunyan Drive Nw
Bemidji, Minnesota 56601
Phone: (218) 444-9444
Palmer Collision & Customs, Inc.
Address: 12195 253rd Ave NW
Zimmerman, Minnesota 55398
Phone: (763) 856-3333
Fargo LINE-X
Address: 1225 B. East Main Ave
West Fargo, ND 58078
Phone: (701) 281-1015
Z-Tech Total Car & Truck Care
Address: 8425 Enterprise Drive N.
Virginia, MN. 55792 US
Phone: (218) 741-7438
Goschke Paint and Sandblast
Address: 48132 160th St. NW
Oslo MN 56744
Phone: (218) 773-0504
Kolar Chevrolet-Pontiac-Buick
Address: 3206 River Gate Ave
Scanlon, MN. 55720 US
Phone: (218) 879-4695